Maths - Use these roman numerals to help you solve the problems. English Recap on the story of Tuesday by clicking on this link. Tuesday by David Wiesner Using the image below, what would the frogs be saying to one another? U sing the rules of inverted commas (speech marks) that we have looked at in class, can you correctly punctuate my report below? Try to show: speech marks, capital letters, punctuation inside the speech marks, commas, synonyms and phrases for the word ‘said’. Harltown Report The townspeople of Harltown are still struggling to make sense of the extraordinary events of Tuesday evening, when, it would seem, they were witness to a rare and troubling phenomenon. I spoke with the man at the centre of the events, Mr. Cunningham, whose late-night snack time was neither peaceful nor normal. I asked him to tell me what he had seen. "Well, like I told the others, I ...