
Showing posts from April 19, 2020

Friday 24th April

Geography We are going to start looking at The Water Cycle and understanding all about it.  Can you match the definitions to the key vocabulary?  Can you add the key vocabulary to this diagram to explain how the Water Cycle works? Can you now create your own creative diagram of the Water Cycle?  French PSHE Watch the following video:  For the birds What do you think the video tells us?  Does it have a message? Can you give it a new title?

Daily science


Thursday 23rd April

Maths English Read about the three different school uniforms.  Which of these uniforms would you prefer to wear? Why?  Use the revision cards below to remind you of using commas in sentences: Write out the sentences again. Use commas to separate the items in each list.   1. You should wear a black jumper grey shirt and grey trousers.  2. Our uniform consists of a blue sweatshirt plain trousers and a white shirt.  3. The required dress code is top hat black jacket short trousers and wellington boots.  4. You should wear a diving-mask yellow t-shirt orange kaftan and flipflops.  5. All pupils must wear army trousers and jackets hiking boots and a beret.  6. All items of the uniform must be white: tops trousers socks accessories and shoes.  Design a new school uniform for Poplars Farm Write information for parents and children about your uniform/clothing guidelines.  • First use sentences w...

Daily science

If you don't have a paper plate then I am sure that you could use cardboard cut into a circle and this  would work just as well.  


Hi |Rowan, below is this week's computing task for you.

Wednesday 22nd April

Maths Estimate:  1. Which of these gives the closest answer to 2000? a) 431 × 5    b)   678 × 3    c)   473 × 6 2. Which of these gives the closest answer to 4000? a) 842 × 4     b)   851 × 5    c)   654 × 7 3. Which of these gives an answer between 5000 and 6000? a) 787 × 6    b)    925 × 5    c)   723 × 8 English Make up some noun-phrases about a favourite place. Think of a place that you love to be. It can be indoors or outdoors.  Write it in the middle of a sheet of paper. Try to think of six or more things that this place is for you. Why is it special? Look at the example below of a bedroom if you need ideas.  Watch the following video on playing with words, this will help you when you come to write your own poem.  Playing with words   Developing a Poem  1. Read all of your special place ideas....

Daily science


Tuesday 21st April

Maths Find the highest common factor of these sets of numbers: 1. 24, 36 and 48 2. 14, 28 and 35 3. 16, 20 and 32 4. 18, 24 and 27 5. 12, 24 and 33 Find the lowest common multiple of these sets of numbers: 1. 2, 3, 5 2. 2, 4, 5 3. 3, 6, 9 4. 3, 5, 6 5. 4, 6, 8 English ‘Golden Time’ is another poem by Joseph Coelho. Read it in your head first and then read it out loud. Use the Reflection Prompts to help you think about the poem. Read the questions and think about your answers to each one. Golden Time  by Joseph Coelho  Golden time -  jewelled minutes   and silvered seconds?    Golden time a diamond clock   with ruby numbers?  Golden time -  a free hour   doing what I please?   Golden time -  hands clasped on mouth   catching laughter with a new friend.   Golden time -  the inhale of breath   as the id...

Daily science

\ What difference do you think the temperature of the water would make?  

Monday 20th April

Hi Rowan class, I hope that you have all had a safe and relaxing holiday.  I've done a lot of organising, cooking and enjoyed my daily walks looking at all the flowers and wildlife.  I look forward to you sending me any activities that you have enjoyed doing over the holidays.   Maths English Read the poem: I am a writer. Read it in your head first and then try reading it out loud. What rhythms and patterns can you hear when you read it aloud? Choose your favourite three images from the poem. Why do you like these images in particular? I am a writer by Joseph Coelho   I am the clash and collide of the stars  because I create worlds.  I am the awareness of the trees because I hear the wind.  I am the sweat of a rainbow  because I refract all the colours.  I am the blood in a pen because I ink arteries.  I am the blade in a sharpener because I make nibs vanish.  I am the edg...