Tuesday 21st April
Find the highest common factor of these sets of numbers:
1. 24, 36 and 48
2. 14, 28 and 35
3. 16, 20 and 32
4. 18, 24 and 27
5. 12, 24 and 33
Find the lowest common multiple of these sets of numbers:
1. 2, 3, 5
2. 2, 4, 5
3. 3, 6, 9
4. 3, 5, 6
5. 4, 6, 8
Find the highest common factor of these sets of numbers:
1. 24, 36 and 48
2. 14, 28 and 35
3. 16, 20 and 32
4. 18, 24 and 27
5. 12, 24 and 33
Find the lowest common multiple of these sets of numbers:
1. 2, 3, 5
2. 2, 4, 5
3. 3, 6, 9
4. 3, 5, 6
5. 4, 6, 8
‘Golden Time’ is another poem by Joseph Coelho.
Read it in your head first and then read it out loud. Use
the Reflection Prompts to help you think about the poem. Read the questions and
think about your answers to each one.
Golden Time by Joseph Coelho
Golden time -
jewelled minutes
and silvered seconds?
Golden time
a diamond clock
with ruby numbers?
Golden time -
a free hour
doing what I please?
Golden time -
hands clasped on mouth
catching laughter with a new friend.
Golden time -
the inhale of breath
as the idea chimes.
Golden time
a room of beaming faces,
every heart in sync.