Tuesday 12th May

For this maths challenge you are going to need to persevere to find the solution to this task, the answer will not come to you straight away -remember your learning strategies that you would use in class. 

Here is a grid of four "boxes".  You must choose four different digits from 1−9 and put one in each box. For example:

This gives four two-digit numbers:

(reading along the 1st row)
(reading along the 2nd row)
(reading down the left hand column)
(reading down the right hand column)
In this case their sum is 151.
Try a few examples of your own.
Is there a quick way to tell if the total is going to be even or odd?

Your challenge is to find four different digits that give four two-digit numbers which add to a total of 100.
How many ways can you find of doing it?


Character Description: Reading Comprehension – Fact Retrieval.  
In this lesson, we are going to learn how retrieve information using a character description. If you need any support with this lesson then you can use this link. Lesson support

When reading for fact retrivial you need to remember the following skills:

  • ·         Find and fetch the information.
  • ·         Read the question – what information do you need to find?
  • ·         Skim and scan to find keywords from the question.
  • ·         Copy the information exactly as it is written in the text.

Use this as your checklist for success:

Read the character descriptions below and then answer the questions using your fact retrieval skills.

  1. Name 3 things that Robins wears. 
  2. According to the text, what is Robin and Batman’s companionship compared to?
  3. What was ‘powerful’ that belonged to Wonder Woman?
  4.  What could Wonder Woman force her enemies to do?
  5. The text states, ‘Wonder Woman stands out like a shining star in the sky’, what makes Wonder Woman stand out?
  6. Using information from the text, tick one box in each row to show whether each statement is true or false.


Wonder Woman’s outfit is a symbol of her power.

Wonder Woman is a member of the Justice League.

Wonder Woman enjoys conflict

Wonder Woman is not a popular superhero.

Test your skills that you have learnt on the below activity:

  1.  Where was Superman born?
  2. What job does Superman appear to do?
  3. According to the text, Superman appears invincible apart from one unique weakness, what is Superman’s weakness? 

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